TPC Justice Murals are inspired by the injustices that Black and Brown people face and endure on a daily basis in America. The goal of our justice murals is to engage our young people (ages 3-18) in acts of artistic expression that explore the social ills of our nation and to counteract the hate we experience with love. Furthermore these engagements are meant to inspire our community to act on behalf of our Black and Brown brothers and sisters who have been marginalized and oppressed by systemic racism and to give us a platform to be seen and heard.
We inaugurated our program with the "27 hour mural for Breonna" On Sunday June 7th and completed it on Monday June 8th. This mural is dedicated to the remembrance of Breonna Taylor who was a Black woman EMT worker who was wrongfully slain by the police in her home on March 13, 2020 in Louisville, Kentucky. Led by our master artists, over 100 youth and community members took a paintbrush to this amazing work of art at the corner of 15th Street and Broadway in Downtown Oakland. As is for this piece, we seek to uplift our causes through creative means such as mural creation and subsequent art installation in various neighborhoods in our hometown of Oakland. We have been asked to design several more murals around Oakland including West Oakland and Fruitvale, and are excited to involve even more of our students and families.
We invite individuals, foundations, corporations and other entities to support this important program that not only gives our youth inspiring arts engagements to participate in and beautifies our neighborhoods, but also galvanizes our communities around a common cause and supports the employment of working artists in the Bay Area. Funding for these projects is needed primarily for artist support (it is paramount that we honor and pay our artists and apprentices for their time) as well as mural paint and related supplies. Each mural costs approximately $3000-$10,000 depending on the size and design. We appreciate your support.
TPC Justice Murals
The Heal Oakland Mural is a public art work that was produced by TPC's @thepeoplesconservatory and @smceastbay to bring a bright shining light to our fallen babies. Many of our young people who have been taken from us too soon will now be memorialized, commemorated, and remembered by this piece. It is our living altar!
Heal Oakland is nestled between the San Antonio and Fruitvale Hoods in East Oakland Ca. On the corner of E 12th and 25th Ave. next door to the Dollar Tree. This project was lead designed by Octavio Hernandez @the8thsun , Co designed by Nicky Gervacio @nicolegervacio and supported by an amazing cast of Artists, Sharon Virtue @shananackle - virtuevision.org, Olubori Babaoye @g.theartist510 - oluboribabaoye.com, Rachel Wolf-Goldstein @wolf_.pack @bayareamuralpro, Zoe Boston @zoeadiahboston, Robin Gibson @robinologie - www.robinologie.com.
This project was also supported by Be Imaginative Collective @beimaginativecollective and numerous volunteer families and individuals who showed up to lend a hand.