TPC Homeschool Arts Academy offers high level, culturally transformative arts experiences for children wishing to broaden their cultural awareness as well as to develop mastery in the arts disciplines of their choosing. Visual art, Music, Dance, Theater, Media, and Literary arts are featured in this multi-disciplinary arts program to give young scholars opportunities to study under some of the Bay Area’s most renowned artists.
Are you interested in your child having in-person arts programming with a very small group lead by dedicated teaching artist? Are you already in an established POD group and need art to round-out the week? TPC is here for you!
We are dedicated to creating a safe, health-aware environment for young artists to re-connect and practice in real life. We will have an extensive daily Covid-protocol for those who do register and a contingency plan if in person classes must be suspended at any time. All registrants will be expected to commit to full participation and collaboration in Covid-protocol during each trimester they register for.
2022 Class Schedule
January 18 - June 2, 2022
Tuesdays & Thursdays
1pm - 3pm
Capoeira & Graffiti
(for ages 6-10)
Drawing As Storytelling & Capoeira
(for ages 11-13)
Enter the world of the classic colorful HIP HOP element Graffiti art and all of its infinite styles and techniques! Starting with big markers and paper where students will explore the beginning styles of writing thick lines to create bubble style letters and landscapes using multiple colors while bumping hip hop beats and being guided into finding their own original styles! Students will also learn the history of graffiti starting from the Pyramids in Africa leading to its classic NYC origins.
Capoeira-Dance of Freedom
Capoeira is the martial art disguised as a dance used by kidnapped Africans to gain their freedom during times of slavery. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Capoeira’s culture through its history, music through its instruments, language through its songs and ultimately its movements through exploration and play. In this particular movement focused course, students will explore foundational movements of Capoeira in a fun and developmentally appropriate way, pulling from its 2 most popular disciplines of Angola (slower and more grounded movements) and Regional (faster and more acrobatic movements).
Drawing as Storytelling
Students will dive deep into the fundamentals of drawing as a means of telling stories. They will learn principles of illustration to render characters, environments, and props to weave stories from their experiences and imaginations.
2150 Livingston St.
Oakland, CA 94606
TPCAA Program Tuition Rates
Price reflects students beginning Jan. 18, 2022
Tuesdays & Thursdays
$15/ Class
*Tuition at checkout includes a small service fee.
*No families will be denied for lack of funds,
please inquire about scholarships by emailing
Admission Requirements
Any K-12th grade child is eligible for enrollment in the TPCHAA program. Enrollment numbers can vary according to community needs. Once a maximum number of participants is reached in each pod, students may be added to a waitlist and matriculated into the program on a case-by-case basis. A student can elect to switch programs after a semester ends.
Registration forms will be made available online. Once forms are submitted and registration fees are paid, registration will be complete. A full list of classes will be made available on the registration forms. Pods have limited enrollment of up t0 8 students and are filled on a first-come first-served basis. In the event that a pod you have signed up for is full, you will be notified and given the opportunity to choose another pod. Early registration is recommended!
Each program is led by highly trained and qualified arts professionals who provide a nurturing, challenging and safe learning environment for your child(ren). All staff have been background checked/livescanned and have current TB tests on file. They will also have bi-weekly covid tests which must yield negative results.
We only operate under the most-up-to date safety procedures for Covid 19. All families must come in masks for drop off and pick up. We will ask you to wait outside in physically distanced designated areas until it is your turn to enter. Parents will check their children in and out on the sign in sheet at the door. Parents are not allowed into the program space. Students will be asked to leave their outside shoes in their cubby at the door. Students must wear a sweatshirt and a pair of shoes (optional) that will live on site at all times. Parents can wash the clothing at the end of the week and bring it back the following Monday. Parents must take students’ temperature before leaving the house everyday. The onsite administrator will also take their temperatures at the door. If your child exhibits any cold/flu like symptoms they must not come back to the program for 14 days. All teachers and staff will take bi-weekly covid tests which must yield negative results. In the case that a child or the teacher tests positive for covid the entire pod will be shut down for two weeks. If a student’s household family member tests positive for covid, the program must be alerted immediately and that student must be quarantined for 2 weeks. The pod will shut down for 14 days and reinstate should all students test negative for Covid or show no cold/flu like symptoms.
*Please pack a bag lunch/snacks/water bottle for your child.
REMEMBER: Please pick up your child(ren) promptly when the program ends. If you are running late or in traffic, etc., please call the administrator on site so that arrangements for your child(ren) can be made. We will allow a 10-minute grace period however if the student is not picked up within that time, families will be charged a $20 late fee. Please note: Three instances of tardiness in picking up your child may result in their dismissal from the program.
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Price Options
TPC Homeschool Arts
$258.00every month for 5 months
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